Graylingwell, Chichester

Graylingwell is a large Linden Downland LLP residential development on the site of a former psychiatric hospital and grounds in Chichester. The development centres around Havenstoke Park, which features an Iron Age Dyke which is registered as a Scheduled Ancient Monument.

Allen Pyke created an open space and play strategy for the project, including a large adventure playground, numerous Local Areas of Play (LAP) within the residential phases and further incidental play provision associated with the listed chapel building and the historic airing courts. Allen Pyke also prepared concept and detailed design of the open space and plot landscape.

The adventure playground is located in close proximity to the developer’s marketing suite, which will become a cafe and community facility once the development is complete.  The playground features a range of exciting timber elements and focusses strongly on the use of ground undulation to increase play value and enjoyment.

To the east of the site associated with the River Lavant and its floodplain, proposals have been developed for a communal allotment incorporating a community orchard with surrounding meadows for use as reptile receptor sites. The floodplain will further be accessible to the public through meandering mown footpaths for recreation and physical activity.