Landscape Character Assessment

14 July

Landscape Character Assessment is the recognised methodology for describing the landscape and its defining characteristics at a variety of scales, from national through to parish level and can form an important part of the evidence base for Neighbourhood Plans.

We apply a methodology based on best practice as set out in the latest guidance (GLVIA3) to establish the sensitivity of identified Landscape Character Areas, assessing the finer grain of characterisation and identifying landscape assets. Assessment considers the experiences and perception of the local residents of their landscape and surroundings, heritage assets and the key elements and characteristics that make up the landscape character. These include the physical nature of the landscape, its land use, features such as hydrology, topography, vegetation and green spaces and significant views and vistas.

Findings of the assessment can identify potential issues and threats for the landscape, as well as inform draft landscape-related policies.

We can also coordinate community consultation, develop questionnaires and manage community consultation events.

Please get in touch if you would like to discuss your project requirements or learn more about our scope of services

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