Park with tennis courts and skate park approved
The next area of public open space at Great Western Park, Didcot, has been approved. The Northern Neighbourhood Park includes tennis courts, a multi-use games area (MUGA), large play area and a skate park.
The park is part of a network of three open spaces across the heart of the site, which also comprise Boundary Park Sports Pitches and the Local Park, both of which are nearing completion on site. All three parks were subject to extensive public consultation, including meeting with the GWP residents group and sports teams and workshops with local school children and young people who use the existing skate park in Didcot.
The detailed design of the skate park will now be subject to further consultation with local skaters and BMXers to ensure it complements existing facilities in the area and will become a well-used and valued facility for young people who live at GWP and the surrounding area.