Gunhill Phase of Wellesley receives reserved matters approval
The Gunhill residential zone of the Wellesley development in Aldershot, Hampshire was unanimously approved by the Planning Committee at Rushmoor Borough Council.
Proposals for the site recognise the importance of the site’s heritage features (the South Africa War Memorial) and the connections required to the wider area. Developers Grainger Plc are planning for a Heritage Trail within the development linking key heritage elements to ensure they are made accessible to the public and future residents.
Retention of the existing woodland and enhancement of ground flora are a key feature which will enhance the biodiversity value of the site and will be part of an important strategic wildlife corridor.
A central green node will be a large public open space in the heart of the development providing seating, a sunken lawn, informal play and attractive structural planting. Cycle storage within planted pergolas will frame the space, complementing the existing trees and creating a strong sense of place.