Local Children Help To Complete The New St. Andrew’s Park Play Area
This week staff from Allen Pyke, developers VINCI St Modwen and main contractors Ground Control helped pupils from local Primary Schools take part in a planting event around the newly constructed children’s play area at St. Andrew’s Park. One of the schools, the John Locke Academy, is located opposite the play area and children have been able to watch the transformation of the park first-hand. The school was opened in September 2014 as a part of the regeneration the former RAF Uxbridge site, now known as St Andrew’s Park.
The play area is set within the 16ha District Park, which will be Greater London’s largest new public green space for some time. The Park is due to be opened later this year and the area will then be accessible to the public for the first time since well before World War Two.
Work to regenerate the 45ha former RAF Uxbridge site began in 2013 and a new state-of-the-art 720-pupil primary school, the John Locke Academy and over 400 homes have already been delivered. The development will build upon and increase the wider community and vitality of Uxbridge’s town centre. It will ultimately comprise of 1,340 new homes, over 200,000 sq ft of office and retail space, a 90-bedroom hotel, 1,500 seat theatre, a museum, care home and will deliver some 1,000 jobs. Allen Pyke have been involved throughout the planning and implementation process, our involvement ranges from the preparation of Design Code documents, providing designed designs for Reserved Matters Applications and tender packages and carrying out inspections on site.